Monday, January 7, 2008

Alabama Cutie!

This little one came all the way from Alabama to visit the princesses at Disney this week. I have had the privilage of watching this little one grow up and I had such a great time doing these pictures this weekend. After a week of cold around here it was nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful 70 degree weather. The wind was blowing, the sky was blue and my cute friend was full of laughter, silly smiles and normal 4 year old antics! :) We managed to capture some wonderful photographs of her and she still got back to my house in time for some playtime with all the little kiddos running around here!

As I have mentioned before my favorite photographs are not always the ones where the child looks perfect or where the child is even looking at the camera. I like to capture a child and the joyfullness that they bring to life, their awe of the little things! My favorite pictures are the ones where I feel the child in the picture. I like to look at a photograph and have a child's personality jump out at me. I think we captured this little one's personality to at T! Look how intent she was while picking the flowers (weeds!) while we were doing our session.

My last picture is one we took of my little friend in her cute as a button birthday dress. She turns four this week...look at the little cake with four candles on it! Just too perfect!

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